Sunrise on a run

Sunrise on a run

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

A post a...

Having recently celebrated a birthday, I thought it time to try again with the blog a day, possible a photo a day, we will see. I will start with the 29th April.

We arrived in Devon late on evening of 28th and just about managed to find out holiday cottage with the help of some locals. On asking for directions they responded "oh that must be x's place!" you can't beat a bit o local knowledge.

While most of the world was transfixed on the Royal Wedding, we were getting our bearings in our home for the next few days. The cottage was in a perfect location, a pebble's throw from the beach and with the sound of waves crashing off the cliff-side.

After breakfast at the local cafe, we decided to explore the beach. While the tide was out, we enjoyed clambering over the rocks. Once the tide started to come back in we donned wetsuits and had a small splash around.

Mermaid of the sea?

The girls enjoyed exploring.

The view from our cottage. We have one or two photos like this...

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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Experimental veg

We've also decided what to do with the fourth bed in the front. We had some carrot and radish seedlings and weren't sure where to put them. Problem solved! They've gone in the fourth bed.

Here's the carrot seedlings (and sunflowers) before planting out. It's a bit shady because of the Bay tree but we will see how they do.

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Garden update

Thought it was time for an update on what we've been doing in the garden. Actually, what we've mostly been doing is enjoying barbecues with friends and breakfasting on the roof terrace. Most of what you will see are the fruits of our labour earlier in the year or, more likely, the fruits of previous owners labour.

Purple bearded iris. These were here when we moved in and have just started to flower this week. We have a lone iris in the back garden by the pond and a proliferation under the Bay tree in the front.

Bluebells are coming into their own this week as well.

Blueberries are looking promising. We've had a good crop the past few years so we will see how they do.

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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Garden (March 27-3-2011)

This weekend saw our first foray into the garden. We first stocked up at the Garden Centre and fortified ourselves with lunch and tea.

Focus was on the front garden. This area is nicely laid out with four beds for herbs, a planter for mint, a bay tree and some flower beds (Peonies looking very promising again this year). However, the beds had been taken over by something lemony and very prolific. Having had them cleared last year, it was time to start planting.

This is one of the beds. On the left we have chives (some already there and some nearly planted garlic thyme). In the middle we have rosemary (a rather tired looking plant that was already there and a more vigorous plant which was liberated from a pot on Sunday afternoon). On the right (eclipsed by the rosemary) a fennel-type plant.

The next bed is being prepared by Mr S in this picture. Some mint is visible and after this picture was taken, two varieties of thyme were planted. There is also some sage in this bed but it's not visible.

After clearing the planter and marvelling over the resident worms, we planted two varieties of Mint. Apple mint...

English Lamb Mint. This one has "Sunday Roast" written all over it.

Finally, I moved some of the Muscari and (I think, Primrose, or a weed with yellow flowers). There's plenty of room in this planter so I might add some more mint varieties.

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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Jan 30th

View from the playroom on 30th January. This afternoon has been lovely and sunny but sunshine now all but disappeared. Heating and lights now on. Back to our mole-like existence until another sunny Sunday.

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Monday, January 10, 2011

Training diary

I have signed up to do a half marathon.  March 20th.  The last half marathon I completed was nearly eight years ago, I'll find my time and post it later.

Rather than trying to wing it, I've decided I need a training schedule and appointments in my calendar setting out my training schedule.  There's a good mix between shorter but high intensity sessions combined with longer runs.  

Saturday saw a perfect morning for my first long run: an hour and eight minutes, 6.73 miles.  average pace of 10.11 minutes per mile.  fastest pace 7.23 minutes per mile.  A climb of 1129 feet - which I did twice.

Sunday saw 45mins on the cross trainer.  The cross trainer works in km, I think I did 5-6 km, can't remember the exact stats.

Anyway, all off to a good start so far.  Will try and keep this updated.  My success rate would be much higher if I could get blogpress on the iPad to cooperate...

Monday, January 03, 2011

2-1-11. The party day

Having posted a picture of the six cake on my Facebook page, I thought I'd share a picture of the preparations. Boo and Pip wanted to help decorate the cake. I was at a fairly delicate stage in the proceedings so I gave them a pack of icing. And some edible glitter.

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Boo turned 6 this New Years Day. We celebrated with the traditional grannies and nannies party. Once the girls were tucked up in bed, we set to work getting organised for the birthday party for her and her friends which took place on 2nd. Stuffing of bears proved to be a great hit with the attendees.

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My very own project 365

Happy New Year. Let's see how long into 2011 this lasts. Many of my friends having started a project 365. One photo for every day. I started a similar project but posting a blog-post a day but it quickly faltered.

Anyway, first photo to kick this off is from the last day of 2010. Having been in the house for exactly a year and a half, we got the fire going and saw in the new year with champagne and a toasty fire. Here's to 2012

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Monday, November 15, 2010

Commuting: an emotional experience

I spend rather a lot of my life on trains, perhaps too much time.  While walking to the station this morning, I was thinking about how I should use this time, how much of my commute I ought to be spending on work-related mattes, how much time idly surfing and tweeting, how much time gaming (sounds so much more grand than "playing inane" games), how much time reading.  This got me to thinking about my blog and what to post today.  I thought I'd share with you some of the emotions that just the journey from front door to train door brings up.

On leaving the house, one worries that departure has been left too late and the train is going to be pulling away on arrival at the station.  It's a balance between leaving too early and realising that a precious extra minute with the girls and Roary the Racing car could have been won.

After a brisk walk, navigation of the traffic lights is required.  Careful assessment of the light sequences usually results in a gain but the brisk walk is maintained.

Many commuters like to adopt a special canter, the "I'm running for a train, but not actually running for it".  I prefer brisk walk, I suspect that many of the cantering-types find it quite upsetting to be overtaken by someone apparently expending less effort than them and who they overtook only two minutes before.

The first two thirds of the journey are crucial, make or break time.  A good pace here means there is no need for the panicked sprint and shoulder-barge into the doors as they beep their way shut.  The most frustrating moment is when you approach the station and see the train pulling in,  chances are the opportunity to make that train has been lost.

Today I arrived at the station, thought I only had a minute to catch the train, got ready to adopt the sprint start and then realised I actually had six minutes, time to catch my train and saunter across.

The train too decided to saunter as it was three minutes late.  On hearing this, my relief that I hadn't missed it was replaced by ire that it was late. I now have six minutes to make my next connection.  Time to prepare for my sprint start. 

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The egg gallery

If you're friends with me on facebook, you may have seen my occasional photo-posts from weekend cooking exploits. I'm minded to set up a little e-gallery of egg-based cooking. The first two eggshibits?

Titled: "punctuating the morning with breakfast"


"There's something fishy about today's breakfast"

Clearly, my gallery needs a name. All suggestions gratefully received. Prize to the winning suggestion.

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The perils of shopping

Mr S is home alone with the girls this week. Provided you explain the mystery tubs in the freezer, he is fine. He even managed some shopping yesterday. I couldn't remember what we needed so I sent a fairly general list: lunch stuff for the girls, snacky stuff, fairy washing liquid.

I knew exactly which fairy washing liquid we needed but i had forgotten that Sainsburys contains an aisle of washing liquid so I should have been a little more specific. Mr S came home with three products, all of which we will need, none of which were the one I actually intended.

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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Pip's Birthday

Yesterday was Pip's birthday. We had a lovely afternoon with friends and grandparents over for tea and party games: pass the parcel, musical statues and so forth.

Pip was given a variety of presents - all v generous and v lovely. I'm hoping she doesn't go off Peppa Pig this year given the sheer quantity of Peppa Pig gifts she received, some of which were from us.

It did get me wondering however. Most of her gifts were plastic. There will come a time when she no longer plays with them and they may get stored in the loft or given away. Eventually they may find their way to landfill or just lost in the back of cupboards, bottom of cardboard boxes etc. Two examples of their little smily pinkness are shown below.

It made me wonder whether, in thousands of years' time, when all recollection of the children's cartoon is lost, archeologists will uncover so many plastic pigs that they will come to the conclusion that a little pink pig was venerated by so many and Peppa will be deified and worshipped forever more? Congregations will gather round muddy puddles and fall over laughing.

Idle musings I know. In the meantime we will enjoy watching Boo and Pip at play with them.

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Monday, October 11, 2010


OK, so my post a day mission has failed so far. Will try and continue to maintain a regular presence in the blogosphere. Expect some musings on child benefit, tuition fees and public sector pensions in the coming week...

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Wednesday, October 06, 2010


Or attention to detail! I suppose it's an occupational hazard for me.

Anyway, the attached sign has always made me chuckle.

A talking hot drink? I wonder what it says?

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Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Tooth Fairy

So the Tooth Fairy visited last night. Boo's wobbly tooth came out, after the school photo, so it was despatched to the now found tooth fairy box and under the pillow.

Pip wanted something under her pillow so a Lego badge was deposited under the pillow.

At some point in the night, the Tooth Fairy took the tooth and left a pound coin and a scattering of sparkly fairy dust. On finding the Lego badge, she took that as well.

Morning time arrives and Boo is very excited by the coin and the sparkly sequins. Pip wakes up and says "I've lost my badge". Thankfully the Tooth Fairy had left a note saying thank you for the badge and various other tooth-related pleasantries. Alas, the girls were still upset with the tooth fairy for taking the Lego badge.

I have an inkling that the tooth fairy will have found that the Lego Badge was too big to fit through the fairy door...

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Saturday, October 02, 2010

Rainy Saturday

Today has been a nicely quiet day. Once gymnastics was finished (including mine!), Pip and I went to see a neighbour while Boo and Daddy had their weekly piano lesson. Pip went with a Peppa Pig DVD in tow but soon wanted to watch the marble run and play with the magnetix.

After lunch and a trip to the local shoe shop, we settled down for a nice quiet rainy afternoon. This included a game of Scrabble (me and Boo v computer, we won), lots of plasticine, lots of drawing with the wipe off ones and the laminates - a great hit!

Having played with some at the neighbour's house, Pip wanted to get the Geomag stuff out, another great hit! We had a "how many balls can you attach to one stick challenge". Boo also managed to get a structure to spin round, much to her delight!

What we didn't manage to make was a Taj Mahal. We discovered this website a few years ago, it's quite impressive to say the least.

I'm sure I've seen an Eiffle Tower as well.

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Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Dorking Chicken

This statue sits on a roundabout in Dorking. It's a key landmark on our way to visit family. While changing trains at Dorking, I noticed it again today and decided it merited a post. I wanted to try and find out more about its significance, why it's there, why is a chicken a symbol for the town of Dorking represented by a Chicken?

Well, the first thing i discovered was that there is a breed of chicken called a Dorking, which beggs the question, which came first? Is the town named after a breed of chicken or, is the chicken named after the town?

The next thing I discovered was a website dedicated to a project depicting a photograph for every square kilometre of Britain. Rather than cutting and pasting a picture from the site without consent, I've set you a challenge. Hidden in this page is a link to the picture. Can you find it?

I haven't got very far in my quest to find out about Mr Chicken, or perhaps that should be Mr Cockerel, but the geograph project sounds interesting. I'll let you know if our contribution gets off the ground.

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Blinging up the Blog

I've added a couple of "gadgets" to the blog. Not necessarily permanent. I'm trying to add a more personal touch and make it look less like the standard templaes (not that there's anything wrong with them).

I'll let you find what I've added. The Gadget list is endless, there are too many to choose from. I'm sure I like what the add-ons do to the layout but I'll see if I can adjust that when I'm on a computer with a mouse I can drive. Trackpad is tricky.

The Wheel Turns

And turns and turns again.

I first discovered Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series at university. Friends were reading it and I foolishly borrowed a copy of book one, not realising it was to be book one of twelve and that I would still be reading it fifteen years later.

In a nutshell, it depicts a fantasy world, one which owes much to other great fantasy writers (I will leave you to decide who) and to medieval England. Plus, I think, U.S military history. I suspect Mr Jordan has read his fair share of civil war battle re-enactments.

The story starts following Rand, Perrin and Matt, together with Egwene and Nynaeve and the Aes Sedai and her warder who find themselves in the provincial backwater where Rand and his friends have been living all their lives. The next twelve books follow a battle between good and evil, including all the shades of grey inbetween.

The series has its weak spots. As stand alone books, seven, eight and nine are poor. They fit into the overall story when read as a whole but very little happens in the way of major events. Some of the language can be repetitive, the female characters all have a habit of folding their arms under their breasts. I wonder if anyone has counted how many times they do this? Perhaps a challenge for my next re-read...

Robert Jordan died before he could complete the series. His successor, Brandon Sanderson, has taken over the job. Quite ably, I would say.

There are numerous websites on this epic tome, two of note are:

WoT Encyclopaedia

Brandon Sanderson's website

It took me four months of commuting to read books one through to twelve. Book thirteen is out soon. I'm not going to do another re-read until book thirteen is out.

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Monday, September 27, 2010

What I did on my weekend!

Remember having to do this at school? Anyway, as I've failed to keep up with Saturday and Sunday, I thought I would devote today's post to "what I did on my weekend"

So Saturday morning was spent at the local sports centre while the girls had their gym classes. Pip's settled in nicely to her class so I took the opportunity to go to the grown ups' gym while Boo n Daddy did the crossword she'd brought home from school!

Pip wanted to stay with Daddy while I went to Sainsburys to pick up a few bits and pieces. Except a few bits and pieces turned into a trolley full of bits and pieces!

Pleasant lunch in the garden followed by afternoon of play, Thamu arrived and the neighbours youngest two came over to play!

I think our dinner out deserves its own thread.

Sunday involved a nice lunch out and a browse round the shops. Mission to purchase headphones failed, think DH procured at the airport instead.

So all in all, a pleasant weekend, not enough cake baking, maybe I'll save that for next weekend, the Gingerbread loaf went down v nicely at the school cake sale.

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Friday, September 24, 2010

The Brick Testament

The Brick Testament is a piece of Lego genius. One of the challenges is to see if you can identify which kits have been used. So far i've spotted Harry Potter, lots from Star Wars and Professor Quirrell.

A selection of my favourites to follow.

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Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective


I spend too much time on the train but it's an occupational hazard at the moment, it's part of the career choice I made. I have yet to read the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, it's on our bookshelf. Anyway, here is the commuters' edition.

Habit no.1: Effective Listening

Many people choose to listen to music during the journey, or watch films or play games. Travelling home the other day I was ired by the inability on the part of one of my fellow travellers to deploy headphones. It wouldn't have been so bad if he'd had good taste in music. I say he, there were four other people in my carriage. The elderly lady next to me, i don't think it was her. The lady in front of me, a young lad in the same set of seats as her and pen other who I didn't notice.

It's very telling that instead of trying to work out who it was and asking them to turn their music down, I said (quite loudly) "what's wrong with headphones". Some things are not worth making that much of a fuss about so I deployed my own and settled down to the sounds of a Divine Comedy album.

A few days later I had the misfortune to be travelling on the London Underground during rush hour. I spent ten years working in London and only sporadically used the Tube. I preferred to walk, run or get the bus. I stood at the tube station, and had to wait three trains before I could get on. Once on, I was standing next to a fan of the White Stripes. How did I know? Well, he had headphones but his music was so loud that everyone else could hear it. It would have been less noisy if he'd just unplugged the headphones and had it on speaker!

So, the final reason why listening is one of the most important skills you can have as a commuter? If you don't listen, you end up on the wrong train. Having schooled DH in the art of overland commuting (he grew up near the end of a tube line so had never had to memorise a timetable in his life), he has become quite adept at this. However, running to a particular platform because the train always goes from that platform is not an effective habit. Not unless you listen once on the train and get off as soon as you realise your mistake.

Must go before I miss my stop!

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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Buying a castle!

Not really, but this would be a amazing - owning a piece of history, albeit a derelict crumbling piece of history that would require a lottery rollover win to be able to fund the restoration.

Ruperra restoration

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

New app

I've invested in a new app: Blogpress. The latest version had patchy reviews but it was priced below £2, meaning that if it's no good, I've not wasted too many iTunes vouchers on it.

I thought it would be appt devoting today's post to my favourite apps so far. There are so many out there and many different categories (including, in my case, apps DH has loaded on here) so I will focus on "productivity" apps. These are largely the ones you use to justify owning an iPad, because you will able to work and plan things.

So, in no particular order, my favourites are:


Docstogo does what it says. You can generate docs, on the go. I have only used it to generate word docs but there are PowerPoint and excel options too.

It's quite basic, no fancy formatting for example, but it works.

Readdle is a document reader. I can use it to open a PDF and then add bookmarks and annotations. This is actually v useful. Bear in mind that I spend a lot of my waking hours looking at lengthy documents, cases, legislation and regulatory guidance. Having a PDF reader that enables annotation and bookmarking means that I don't have to print and carry reams of paper everywhere, one of the points to having the iPad.

Finally, Popplet, for people who like spider diagrams and mind maps. I think this is my favourite. Great for brainstorming and planning. My latest popplet sets down various ideas for blog topics.

The site I've linked to looks like it might be quite useful in app hunting. I'll let you know what I find.

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Monday, September 20, 2010

Guest Post

Courtesy of Boo. She spent a very industrious hour typing the following story. A variation on the traditional story of the Gingerbread Man. I've opted not to correct her spelling or punctuation. It's part of the charm.

Onec upon a time there was a little old woman and little old man. The little old woman
decided to make a gingerbreadboy. She made its buttons out of smarties two different colours red and green.
Its coat is made of icing sugar. The littl old laday said lets put him in the ovun so the little old laday put the gingerbreadboy in the ovun.A few minits later the ovun went beeeeeep beeeeeeeep the little old laday rushed to the ovun she oponed the ovuntheand out popted the gingerbreadboy.As fast as a fox eting him of cours not what will happun he ran away so the poor little old laday said what can we eat now said the little old man whiye dont you make 2 gingerbredpeople or 4 lets make 4 or 6 said the little old laday so they did and when the ovun went beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep they both rushed over to the ovun and oponed it up and there was a nice flat pile of gingerbreadmen.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

It's a funny old game

This is the cake I made yesterday. As it was for DH's birthday, albeit a week early, I decided that getting some football players and a football to go on the top would be a great idea. DH supports Spurs so I decided that it would be a really good idea to get the football players in Spurs' colours. On presenting the cake to DH he asked: "do you know why Spurs are call the Lilywhites?". I paused, thought for a moment and remembered that they play in a white strip....

Earlier in the day, while heading into North London, I spotted a billboard with the new season's spurs strip being advertised. This was after I'd bought the cake decorations but I didn't really notice the colour of the strip as I looked at the poster. Anyway, the poster has three chaps in a "come on you Spurs" pose - huddled together, fists clenched. I commented on this to DH and suggested they should have got man at C&A to model the strip. DH pointed out that the models were in fact, Jermaine Defoe, Luka Modric and another...

This early on in the season, I'm sure there will be more demonstrations of footballing ignorance to come....

Baking Frenzy

The photo below is from yesterday's baking frenzy. On arriving back from the morning gymastics visit (Pip's first class and a great success), i realised that I need to get to work baking if I was going to have a cake ready to take to Barnet. DH's birthday is a week away but we'd arranged with T that we'd go up this weekend as she was hosting a gathering.

The secret to all good birthday cakes is to keep the cake simple. I opted for a basic sponge recipe from the Bamix recipe book. This was very quick and easy to do, especially with the trusty hand held blender for the mixing. Onto the next cake. This Friday sees a cake sale at school for the Macmillan event: the world's greatest coffee morning. Rather than outsourcing my cake making to L to do on Thursday morning, inspiration struck, I would make the sticky gingerbread recipe. It's still waiting to bake as I need to mix in the missing two ingredients.

While the birthday cake was baking, I decided to get the buttercream icing ready. In my hunt for a list of the correct proportion of butter to icing sugar, I stumbled on a flapjack recipe. It seemed a shame not to give it a whirl.

I'll post a picture of the cake with my second post for the weekend. In the meantime, here is a picture of the kitchen in action. I'm a big fan of kitchen gadgets and firmly believe that it's worth paying for a good quality item over a cheaper counterpart.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Mmmmm, honey. I harbour an ambition to keep bees. Partially inspired by Pushing Daisies. We have some flat roofs on our house which would lend themselves perfectly to an apiary. I came one step closer to my ambition last weekend when we went to the local beekeeping association open day.

They run an introduction to bee keeping course. I'm tempted to try and fit it during the first part of 2011. We will see.

It's a long term ambition.

I have just one question. Bees aren't native to the US. Where else in the world are they not native? Wheremare they native to? Why is it that they never waggle danced their way across to the US?

Hmmm. Honey.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Happy Birthday Agatha

(Thanks to google for today's image)

I first read Agatha Christie around the age of 10 or 11. At that age I had a voracious appetite for books, I would wolf down several a week but I'm not sure how fully they were digested. At school we had to write a book, this was in year 4 (now called year 6) and I wrote an attempt at a murder mystery. I no longer have a copy but it was a poor imitation (although bear in mind I was 11 at the time) of an amalgam of Miss Marples, complete with house in the country, a glamorous actress with a vendetta to pursue and probably a secret passage or two behind the wood panelling.

Back in 1997, a university friend compiled a list of his top ten Christie's:

Crooked house
Towards Zero
The Murder of Roger Ackroyd
Endless Night
Death on the Nile
Hercule Poirot's Christmas
Cards on the Table
Peril at End House
The Hollow

When discussing this last year, a further two were added:

Then There Were None
Murder on the Orient Express.

Thirteen years' later, I have yet to work through the list. Once I do, that's 12 posts for here...

Found! Mr Thorne

Now, everyone receives those "viral" emails (please bear with me while I get with the Web2.0 lingo). Now, a couple of years ago, there was one doing the rounds involving a drawing of a spider

As these things go, it was quite amusing and very memorable. I was recently sent Mr Thorne's artwork for a missing kitty. If ever one of the cats go missing, I will be asking Mr Thorne to help produce the posters.

Now, we have a friend who's name is very similar to Mr Thorne's. Around Christmas time a couple of years ago, I was trying to organise a gift for a friend who was a going skiing for a while. We decided that some hollow ski poles would do just the job (it probably needs no explanation that she was off to spend a ski season in the mountains). Hollow, so that they could be filled with a tipple of choice, or indeed different one in each pole. I only hope she didn't try using them to mix martinis, but that's another story.

So, in sending an email to solicit donations from mutual friends of my travelling, drinking, skier, I managed to email Mr Thorne. Here is a copy of the email exchange (edited so as not to splatter names and email addresses all over the place:

My Original Email:
> On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 7:32 PM, S S wrote:
>> I am thinking about a gift for Clare for her skiing adventure - my sister in law finds the following indispensible:
>> These are US based - I need to find out where Tina got them from but here's my idea (above)
>> Anyway, what do you think - anyone want to come in on this with me?
>> S

Mr Thorne's reply:

Hey guys,

I'd love to go in on the ski poles but unfortunantley I don't have much money at the moment. I have attached a picture of a spider that I value at around $250. I hope that this will cover my share of the present.

Say hi to everyone for me.

Love David xoxoxoxo

My Reply:

S to show details 11/24/08

£90 so will order and split cost among those who have contributed.

Dave - the spider only as 7 legs so I can't accept him as payment. Please offer other legal tender.

N - I will invoice your Dad!


Mr Thorne's Reply:

David Thorne to me
show details 11/25/08

You're so hard to please, Suzie. :)

I've reattached the spider with eight legs. Can't believe I stuffed it up.

- Dave.

Observations from the namesake and others:

Hmmm there appears to be an usurper in our midst with an additional "e".

I wonder if this is the same guy who made enquiries about a Chevy truck a few months ago that caused a series of ever more desperate emails from a dealership thinking they were about to make their first sale of the month in a credit crunch...

Reply N G

show details 11/25/08

Sod the Chevy truck, what he really wants is a villa in St Lucia! And boy have I got a deal for him ;-) Not many 7 legged spiders, though, cockroaches and geckos are more the thing out here!

Reply Reply to all Forward

Reply D T
show details 11/25/08

Hang on, this guy is an internet phenomena:

My final observations although we concluded that it was the real Mr Thorne.
show details 11/26/08

Are you sure he's not just impersonating an internet phenomenon? Al
posted that spide story on facebook. He probably kidnapped the spider
for his own financial gain. Mr Thorne that is not al.

Just goes to show that getting the correct email address is a thorny problem.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Post race musing

This year's splits:

10k Run1 00:57:58 - ave 5.8 min per km
20kBike 01:00:26 - ave 3 min per km
5k Run2 00:32:49 - ave 6.6 min per km

Total 02:35:32.

Last year's splits:

9k Run1 00:49:07 - ave 5.4 min per km
20k Bike 01:20:08 - ave 4 min per km
5k Run2 00:31:37 - ave 6.3 min per km

Total 02:45:20.

Thoughts on the above:

ten minutes faster than last year with an extra km on the first run
in both years I have power walked round the second run. Improving my speed here would be an easy win in terms of getting my time under 2 and a half hours
slower pace in the first run this year. I suspect this is partially down to the extra km, I took a slower pace
VERY pleased to see I've shaved a whole minute off my ave time per km on the bike ride.

So, did I learn from last year's experiences, which can be found here: ?

Looking back on last year's post race analysis, yes I did, particularly on the cycle stretch.. I was less of a big girls blouse on the downhill stretch and I had treated myself to a new bike which also helped.

What have I learned from this year?

I think the slower run partially reflects that I didn't maintain my running training in the last two weeks before the race. This is partly because I had swapped my run for spinning classes and partly inertia.
I need some longer or at least more intense training runs and a 10K at the start of the summer as a pace setter. I had completed a 10k in April at a time of about an hour (check)
Start my cycling training sooner. I did more than last year but it was all in the last month
Invest in cycle shoes or at least some of those toe straps

A link to the photographer's website to follow....

Monday, September 13, 2010

Two in one day

I'm not using this as a loophole, i don't get to build up post-credit simply by posting an addendum. Text arrived this morning:

"Well done for completing the London Duathlon. Run1 00:57:58, Bike 01:00:26, Run2 00:32:49, Total 02:35:32. Congratulations"

I am however going to save my post race analysis for another day....

Remember me?

Annual posts about duathlons? Well, it's that time of year again so here goes...

Actually, I haven't got my results yet so the duathlon post will come later.

A few of my friends are engaging in the following project: 365 days - capturing life Once their albums are more established, I'll see if they're happy to share their albums on my blog, I suspect that it's good netiquette to ask...

I thought about setting up my own 365 album, but decided that it would be opportune to engage in my own project 365: a post a day. Starting with today. I've always found the blog a curious creature and I'm often surprised by how much people share on their blogs. I suppose some people are more open than others. So that's my first challenge in a post a day: given I am not inclined to reveal the innee workings of my life, neither personal nor professional, how do I make this engaging?

I'm tempted to answer, "I don't". The challenge here is for me to post once a day, i'm not overly interested in the feedback or comments I get. I may add a blog ticker again as it's always interesting to see where my hits are from. One thing I am going to do is true and refresh the design.

I'll be back tomorrow with my duathlon times.

Monday, May 31, 2010

What's new?

Tapping away on my new toy - that's new. iPad arrived on Friday and so far so good. In the last forty eight hours I have used it for:

Reading the paper ( and

Reading the following books: Winnie the Pooh, Treasure Island and Alice in Wonderland. The latter via the "app" - which effectively renders the classic as an e-pop-up. Boo and I had great fun reading the first couple of chapters and engaging the original illustrations (I wonder what the original illustrator and Lewis Carroll would make of it)

Facebooking and emailing (of course)

Perusing Marvel Comics

Playing Harbourmaster and Trivial Pursuit

Watching Alan Partridge Christmas Special.

All that in a neatly little slimline and portable device. Of course being able to do all those things and the novelty factor threatens my concentration span as I start up one app and then decide to move onto another.

I have yet to use tithes for work related matters but i have some slides to work on for a couple of presentations so I will see how they go. Now, off to the app store to see what I can find. Perhaps via Facebook....

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


interesting statistic: the first elite runner over the finish line made it round the entire course in 50 minutes. I had completed the first run and was collecting my bike by 50mins!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Duathlon success

Well done Suzanne for completing the Chelsea & Westminster Health Charity London Duathlon

9k Run1 00:49:07,
20k Bike 01:20:08,
5k Run2 00:31:37,
Total 02:45:20.

On the whole pleased with this result. Training plan comprised running to the office two to three times a week. This is around ten miles a week. No training schedule and somehow moving house and never quite working out an ideal bike training plan meant that I was dependent on the conclusion that if I could cycle over the downs for a day with two ish stone of toddler I could complete 20k of cycling.

Lessons learned for next time:

do more cycle training
service bike properly. Liberally spraying the chain with muc off lube does not equate to a bike service. At least I didn't get a blow out in the rear tyre. At least I assume that's why I heard an almighty pop and some guy swearing
don't be afraid of the downhill stretch. It's your friend not your enemy
do more cycle training

Secrets of my success this time round:

carb load: pasta n veggy mince the night before, porridge for breakfast, 1-2 bananas pre race
energy drink for the cycle ride
use different running techniques for the climbs n descents
power walk part of the last run
know that there's people waiting at the finish to cheer me over the line!
Yoga as part of pre race warm up. Stretches muscles, focusses mind and steadies breathing
smile for the cameras

So any suggestions for my next race gratefully received...

Friday, June 19, 2009

Ways to communicate

There are so many ways to communicate with the world at large. But who has any more to say? Empty vessels sound the loudest...

Monday, May 18, 2009

Five months for the first post

and five days until the next? Not quite. Interesting reading back on last year's highlights. Easy option for another post is to list this years' pluses and minuses:


spending a month at risk of redundancy while firm went through collective consultation process.
Missing out on dream house that we'd been eyeing up for the past six months


No longer being at risk of redundancy and still employed
Mr S going back to work having had a lovely time off with the girls
Selling our house and finding THE house of our dreams

Fingers crossed on last one anyway!

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

New phone

So now I have a new phone and can browse and post on the move, will this increase my post rate? We will see. I'm not one for broadcasting every last detail about my life to the world at large. How do you reconcile a right to privacy with the right/ ability/ need to publicise every waking move with the world at large?

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

First post of 2009?

So how long will that take me?

One Last Post

So Highlights of the second half of 2008:

  • Returning to work after a year on maternity leave
  • Ipple turning one, growing teeth (5 so far) and walking
  • Guitar Hero World Tour on the Wii
  • A certain other half taking voluntary redundancy
  • Trip to Disneyland and San Diego

Saturday, July 26, 2008

No Icecream please

Today was the Ben and Jerry's icecream fest. On a hot and humid day at Clapham Common, an unlimited supply of icecream was just what we needed.

Babies asleep when we arrived so we queued up for the coffee flavour, mint flavour and cheesecakey flavour. Figured that while they were asleep we may as well queue up for another flavour while we ate 3 scoops between the 2 of us. Three cones of Cherry Garcia later and we were on our way to meet our friends.

After some expert steering of the Phil and Ted's we'd arrived at their spot by the tree, marked our territory with a picnic blanket and sat down to finish our icecream before it finished us. Daddy and IB went off for a wonder (and a sneaky icecream) while Mummy and PL enjoyed some frozen yoghurt (chocolate flavour). PL particularly enjoyed the bottom of the cone containing slightly melted icecream. Not only was it tasty, it made a good mess when shaken.

After giving the babies something other than icecream to eat, it was time to wander again. Various sights taken in included the merchandise stall, childrens' play area and more ice cream - phish food. Clearly we had to have a go at the magnetic fishing as well!

Oh and there was music there too! We left during the Charlatans as the idea of battling to Clapham Junction with the world and his wife really didn't appeal.

Now, what's for dinner?

Friday, July 18, 2008

Geometry with a Pizza

When marking out the snowflakes, we needed a way of measuring the angles.

While A was folding a sheet of paper into elaborate folds, I noticed the slice of Pizza play-food. Hmmm, I thought, everyone knows a circular pizza slices perfectly into sixths. 360 divided by 6 - 60 degrees. Aha! Just what we need to measure out 60 degree snowflake arms.

The paper protractor did come in handy for the other measurements...

Culmination of two weeks' parental leave

So today is officially the last day of A's parental leave. It's been a nice leisurely two weeks - rather like a 14 day weekend.

We managed a second trip to Legoland. Probably more successful than the first as we arrived shortly after opening times and managed to persuade IB to go on more rides. Taking a picnic probably helped as it meant we didn't spend an hour queueing for and then eating lunch. Highlights for IB included the tub of fluff she had after lunch (aka candyfloss). The remains are in the porch - half a tub is quite enough for such tiny teeth. Other highlights included driving the cars again, driving the boats again - overtaking everyone and the duplo waterplay area. We went prepared with a swimming cossie for IB. She joined in with all the other small people sitting on the fountains and leaping up when they went off!

Today has seen a rare moment of domesticity for us. Painting. We've been talking for over a year about buying magnetic paint and painting the girls' walls. The aim being to create an interesting feature on the walls that we then use to display drawings and scrawlings.

Having ummed and aahed about designs, A suggested snowflakes. We found some designs online for inspiration and went up to IB's room to plan out the design. Having used IB as a height guide, we settled on one large snowflake and three smaller ones. The magnetic paint dries to a dark grey colour so the next decision was what colour to paint over the magnetic paint. We settled on a colour and headed out to B&Q to purchase said colour. Lunch and two B&Q trips later (first store didn't stock, but second did) we returned to start painting.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Keeping up the blog

So last post was a little while ago - three weeks or so. Since then we have been making the most of the wanderer's return with a daytrip to Brighton and the Sealife Centre.

Two week's paternity leave has seen a mix of the usual activities plus a daytrip to Legoland and today - IB's show - after what seems like weeks of extra rehearsals, the performances are finally here. I'm making the most of peace and quiet while she wiggles her pompoms and generally looks cute (she's the youngest in her number, although some of the learner fairies in the teddy bears' picnic ballet are even younger).

I will try and post a more thorough update after the show... Honest.... I'll try....

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Homeward bound

So as Mr S is due to land tomorrow morning, this maybe the last entry for a while. Maybe we'll keep it up as a weekly venture??

This morning we had a playbarn day - we walked for a change. Well, I did the walking, IB and PL were happy in the pushchair. Once there, IB found some other children to play with in the soft play which meant that I could get on with some more on my article for the local NCT magazine. Of course, we had to join IB in the soft play for a while, seeing as it was so quiet. PL did alarmingly well clambering up the ramps and up a slide - mummy had to be behind her to make sure she didn't roll backwards (and to catch her when she did).

We ventured outside for a while but the IB wanted to go back in the soft play. Another family were there so IB and the little boy did impressions of star wars characters while Mummy and the lady compared notes on life with two babies!

We walked home and skyped Mr S, who subsequently phoned to say that he was flying back today! Have kept it as a surprise for IB. IB and I then made a jelly fish. As an impromptu collage it actually looks quite good! We then made another bindeez item (an icecream) although the beads go a bit icky and sticky when sprayed.

We read "Snail and the Whale" at bedtime - an old favourite of mine which we hadn't read for a while.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Guess what letters were picked for this story...

Once upon a time there was a magic mouse. He had a friend called Zebra. One day Zebra came round to Mouse's Magic Manor without his stripes - he had lost them! Mouse said "don't worry Zebra, let's have a Cake while we decide what to do". In the meantime, the Queen found the stripes and flew over on her Kite to give them back to Zebra. The stripes were sewn back onto Zebra with a Needle so he didn't lose them again.

Spazzy Mog Blog

The mogs' antics sometimes deserve a blog of their own! I am still laughing about yesterday's antics!

I emptied their sachets of cat food into a bowl. On bending their furry little mog heads to eat the food, they found that they had turned into siamese mogs! They were stuck together by the magnets on their collars!!!


This morning I woke up back in my own bed having fallen asleep on the floor by my door - Mummy came to check on me and found me in my room cuddling BB and a 'poota (aka calculator). She scooped me into bed which is where I stayed till morning.

After breakfast we played with my alphabet snap cards. Mummy made up a new game where we took five cards and took it in turns to make up part of a story carrying on from the last person's cards - If mummy can remember it she will post it here.

We then got dressed and went into the village. Mummy suggested I took the BB pushchair and I pushed it all the way to the health centre where we got PL weighed (nearly 8kg or 17lb in other words).

It was too early for lunch so we went to the park. Mummy saw a couple of ladies we know from playgroup (including someone who went to school with Sophie) so we had a chat with them and then Mummy and PL played chase with me.

Lunch was at our usual place - jacket potato with beans. Which meant I had lots of beans for tumbletots! Mummy joined me for the first "circuit" and then I did the rest all by myself!

I sat in the pushchair on the way home but had enough beans to stop at the playground!

I watched Shrek while Mummy read Englebury and PL crawled and nibbled and clambered and had cuddles.

Dinner was followed by some colouring in - Mummy is very pleased because we finally finished off the "Fuzzy Felt colourettes" so we have one for each room. While Mummy was getting PL ready for bed we made up stories about the animals in the pictures. Most of them ended with the crocodile eating the animals but in one story, the elephant rescued the crocodile from the Volcano.

Sunday, June 22, 2008


This morning was a Sainsbury's morning - I tried to persuade Mummy that I needed another toy but she said no because she had bought me a bindeez art kit yesterday - I was quite happy to accept this point.

Once we had done the shopping we had a sneaky Starbucks - mochatochahappafrappamappachino for Mummy, Smoothie and lolly for me and strawberries for us to share - although not as nice as the ones from the garden.

We decided to go to Robin and Jane's barbeque although we had lunch and made a card first. While were were making the card, PL had a lovely time standing by the side of the toy chest (holding on) and getting things out to nibble. When we were getting ready to go out, I was sitting on the stairs and she started to climb them. Lucky Mummy was there to catch her when she got wobbly (only made it up 3 steps).

I enjoyed playing on Thomas' bike (one of these balancing ones with no pedals), croquet and quoits. We also saw Ray and Sara (who are expecting a baby in September), James and his girlfriend and met some other boys and girls.

I had dinner in reverse - strawberries and icecream (2 portions) followed by sausages, couscous salad and cucumber. On the way out, I asked Jane if I could have one of the balloons on the gate - I kept letting go of it on the way home but luckily it didn't fly out the car! It's now tied to the bedladder.


This morning was a gymnastics morning so Mummy and I enjoyed a cup of tea in the cafe while IB did her gym-thing. Mummy actually got to start a new book (Engleby). We went to watch IB for a bit but she was at the far end of the gym.

Next stop was the town centre to buy a birthday present for Emily. I was asleep by this point but Mummy and IB bought Emily's present - a paint your own t-set picked by IB - Mummy suspects Emily might have grown out of t-sets (even tho it has age 8 and up on it) but IB thought it was a good idea. We also bought Daddy a Taters of the Lost Ark Indiana Jones!

After lunch we drove down to Oliver's birthday party. Me and IB spent most of the time in the toy cars - with Mummy pushing me! We made it into the soft play for a while and Grandad Dave showed off his new video camera. We had some party food - well IB had lots, I had a nibble of some cucumber and a jaffa cake! Oliver had to be dragged away from filling his toy dumper truck with bark chippings for the birthday cake! After a couple of games of pass the parcel, it was time to go home.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Roll around Friday

So here comes another Friday! We walked to Nursery School and then Mummy headed home to hang out washing and pick up the car to drive to Sophie's. S was selling off her clothing stock and she also had a little something as a thankyou to Mummy for getting her the stall at the family fun day. P-L saw baby Samuel there as his Mummy (Fiona) popped in but PL was mostly interested in nibbling any paper she could find.

They came to collect me at 12. I had been very busy at nursery - I made a Bob the Builder collage!

We had my favourite lunch - veggy sausages, potatoes and carrots. Mummy did the washing up and then we headed out to dancing - a little early as Mummy thought it would be nice to walk - it was although Mummy ran the last bit as it was beginning to rain. Before the dancing lesson I ran around like a loon and PL had a little crawl and then had a little standing time. One of the other girls arrived so we were being laughing loons together!

After my dancing lesson we had a picnic while we waited for our second lesson - a rehearsal with the grown up girls. Danny, Jo and danced very nicely wiggling our pompoms!

It was then time to walk home in the rain - PL and I were OK as we were under the rain cover but Mummy didn't even have a coat! She was spurred on by the prospect of chinese takeaway with next door

Thursday, June 19, 2008

I'm still standing, yeah yeah yeah

This morning we walked to Playgroup - me in the sling and IB in the pushchair. Mummy thought I was going to fall asleep but there was too much too look at and we chatted with someone else heading to the same playgroup for part of the way.

Once at Playgroup we met up with J-I and E and their new nanny. J-I and I enjoyed playing in the baby corner while IB and E zoomed around the hall on their toy vehicles - bumping into each other (and annoying each other in the process) and bumping into other children in vehicles - who of course did the same!

IB and E headed over to the sticking table while Mummy fed me and chatted with some other Mummies. We then went over to see how IB had done - v well with a little help from one of the Mummies.

Mummy thought that the playdo table might be a good idea - so we sat there while IB made various things with the playdough and I prodded it with my fingers. I was getting tired by now so Mummy put me in the sling and I promptly dropped off to sleep. When I next woke up there was lots of noise as it was singsong time - Mummy had been marching round the hall with E and IB singing the grand old duke of york!

On leaving Playgroup IB said that she wanted to go to the cafe so off we went and huddled round a jacket potato with beans - even I tried some and enjoyed it! We walked home and I had my lunch (quinoa and sweetcorn plus a parsnip basil and spinach puree)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Standing lots

Today I woke up at 7am - Mummy and PL were already downstairs making breakfast. After my breakfast (of beans on toast) I made some cards for the nursery school teachers - each on had a picture of them on the front holding a remote control! Once we were dressed (me in my new spotty dotty dress from sainsburys) we walked to nursery school. Once there I couldn't wait to give the teachers their pictures!

Mummy and PL went home and popped in to see Rachel and baby James and give them a present (including an IOU for a loaf of bread and a yummy meal)! They then went off to Tumbletots for PL to practice her crawling and clambering skills - apparently PL did v well despite having slippery trousers. She also had a moment where for about half a second she stood without holding onto anything!

Mummy parked the car at Sainsburys for the nice man to wash while she collected me from Nursery. We then picked up the car - nice and shiny and poo-free and went off to meet Fiona, Joshua and baby Sam at the soft play. We had lots of fun but I got upset when someone pushed me off something. Mummy said that it wasn't very nice of them to do that but I said that they had pushed me because I wasn't letting them have a turn so Mummy suggested that maybe next time I should let them have a turn.

We came home and had dinner - lentil curry for me; quinoa, sweetcorn and a Plum baby carrot, lentil and cheese puree for PL. We then watched Return of the Jedi before turning in for the night.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


This morning I woke up with no teeth. This evening I went to bed with one little white spot - so I'm no longer in the running for the baby gurning olympics. Actually the teeth have always been there, they're just a little backward in coming forward.

I'm also getting the hang of pulling myself up to standing - to the extent that when Mummy and IB came to get me after my afternoon nap, I was standing up in the cot. Mummy's already removed the farm animals thing, next thing to remove is the bumper (she knows someone who's little boy tried to use the bumper as a step).

We went to the park this morning - we met Sophie and Louis there and IB and Louis played in the sand - I sat in the sand and occasionally dipped my head in it! Mummy has noticed that sometimes if something is new to me, I hold it to my head. She thinks that's what I was doing today. We went on the swings and the roundabout too.

We decided to go to Bucks of Star for lunch - IB had her usual Ham n Cheese. I tried some of the chicken from Mummy's panini and gummed most of it.

Once home, I had the rest of my lunch and then had a snooze while Mummy and IB made a plate to send to Cbeebies and did some bits in the garden (gooseberries and garlic harvesting; pumpkin training and clematis planting).

Dinner time consisted of Rice, Tuna in a Broccoli and Courgette sauce. IB says that now I have teeth I can have sausage!

Monday, June 16, 2008


This morning Mummy and I were busy with glitter and stuff to make a brightbear the pirate cutlass! We also dressed as pirates with our cropped trousers and PL with the onesie we bought from the maritime museum.

We walked into the village for lunch, and also to return library books (library was shut so we had to post them into the returns box). Lunch was at our local cafe where Tanya commented that PL looks a lot like Daddy!

We then walked up to Tumbletots. I showed the ladies my cutlass and was telling one of them that I was wearing my pirate trousers! We then walked home through the jungle route - I walked almost all the way home!

Once home we played and I watched some of Flushed Away. Iain the lawnmower man came and did the lawns - I watched him from my window.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Is it a Bird? Is it a Plane?

At the London Wetlands Centre it could be either - what with the birds to see and the planes flying overhead.

We met George and Helen there at 10.05. I was getting tired so sat in the pushchair while we looked at the birds. There were lots of different ones to see - all Ducks to I-B. We then came across some living teepees - these were made with willow cuttings planted in the ground and then trained into a teepee shape. Mummy and I-B think that we should plant one in the back garden as IB enjoyed playing in it tremendously. I was getting more tired by now so Mummy put me in the sling while we continued to walk around. By the time they reached the hide in the wildside, I was asleep and IB was very good at being quiet while we looked at the birds. Hiddy was apparently making a noise but Mummy said that Isha was setting a good example to Hiddy by being as quiet as a mouse.

We then ambled to the other side of the reserve to the pondlife area where IB armed herself with a net and went pond dipping. She found lots of pondsnails and watermites.

Lunch was calling to us from the panniers so we ambled over to the adventure playground where IB could eat and play, and as could the rest of us. We spent the rest of the afternoon in there. For a while IB went to play with other children she met in the playground, she then came back to us and played with us - mostly with Helen. The only tears occurred when she toppled and grazed her foot - although she cleaned it very well with an anti-bopple wipe; and when a little boy deliberately snaffled her feathers. It wasn't an obvious feather-snaffle at first but little boys can be like that sometimes, so Mummy says.

IB was sound asleep by the time we got home. Mummy gave me dinner (lentil and veg mush) and tried waking IB up to give her dinner but she was so asleep she just wanted to go up to bed. It was then my turn for bed, Mummy took me up, read me a story and by the time she had ordered the Indian takeaway, she was asleep.

All in all a good weekend was had by all. The only thing missing was a Daddy pate to tap...

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Ahoy there shipmates

This morning we drove to Greenwich where we met Helen and George (Mummy only took two wrong turnings - once onto the South Circular and then she turned off the A2 too early). We walked up to the Observatory and Planatarium where there was lots of astronomical paraphernalia and something called a Meridian Line. Mummy explained that Bright Bear needed this line to help him navigate when on his quest for treasure.

I also touched a meteor - Mummy says that it is the one which Tintin brought back from his adventures in the Shooting Star Mystery. George and Helen went to watch the black hole show in the Planetarium while Mummy, P and I looked at chronometers (Mummy says we should make one for Bright Bear's treasure chest) and climbed up into the Observatory.

We realised that Bright Bear was AWOL so we headed back to the Planetarium where a very nice lady found him for us. He had been helping sell tickets to the Planetarium shows. There is one for children which Mummy thinks we should take Daddy to see.

We met up with George and Helen again and walked down the hill to the cafe for lunch. There was an outdoor play area where I could clamber and climb to my heart's content. Mummy wanted to go into the Maritime Museum and look at the ships and things so I reluctantly left the play area and went in. Once up in the Handson Gallery I had lots of fun. My favourite game was cargo loading where I had to operate a crane which was loading cargo into a boat! There were also some interesting computers in the your sea area. Mummy said that we would come to the museum another day with Daddy as there was lots there.

We all drove to our house where P and I had dinner and I played with Helen in the garden while Mummy got grown up dinner ready. I then had a second dinner from Mummy's plate! We arranged to meet tomorrow and George and Helen then left. Mummy got me ready for bed and then read Monkey Puzzle to me.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday again

And so ends another week. I-B had nursery school this morning so Mummy and I went to Sainsbury's. I sat in the trolley in a sitting up seat rather than a baby seat. This was all very exciting as I could see what Mummy was putting in the trolley and I could nibble the trolley bars, despite Mummy's attempts to prevent me from so doing by attaching a large number of nibble rings to the trolley.

After we picked up I-B from nursery, we headed home for lunch - chicken curry and rice - which I enjoyed. I then polished off a whole yoghurt (Raspberry).

I-B had an extended dancing lesson this afternoon - she had her normal lesson followed by a picnic while we watched the tap dancers run through the locomotion. It was then our turn so Mummy and I watched while I-B joined the big girls dancing to the High School Musical number. High School Musical is something which had hitherto passed Mummy by. However, she has had the "We're all in this together" song stuck in her head for the rest of the evening (and is in fact about to switch on the hard drive to find something to listen to). I-B really enjoyed herself and was full of beans all the way until bedtime. Although she descended in to baby babble because she was so tired - so much so even I couldn't understand her!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

"There's a six on the clock Mummy"

This morning I woke up very early, took myself to the loo and then clambered into Mummy's bed. When she realised what time it was she said, "it's still night time, we can go downstairs when there's a six on the clock". Once a six had appeared, I woke Mummy up to tell her. She said that it was 5.06 and she meant when the time began with a 6 and ended in two 00s! She helped me find some puzzles to do and this occupied me until it was 6.00!

Once we had breakfast and were ready, we set off to go swimming with Aunty Tina and Henry. I had lots of fun floating in the blow up ring and P-L had her blow up seat.

After some crisps and a play in the park, we drove home. By the time we got home, I was fast asleep so Mummy let me sleep on the settee while she tidied up ready for the Estate Agent chappy to come and buy our house!

After a nice long sleep, I was wide awake and ready for dinner - Salmon in a cheesy sauce and pasta. It was v yum and both me and P-L enjoyed it lots.

Bedtime and Bathtime soon followed but because I had slept this afternoon, I was still a little bit awake - enough to enjoy It's a George thing and Mr Perfect. I then took It's a George thing and a book about a hedgehog to bed. Mummy showed me the special pockets where I could put the books once I had finished reading them. After a brief trip to the loo, I then slowly fell asleep after singing to myself for a bit!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Tecknogeekery wish list

Today was a nursery school day so we walked there (I walked as far as the station and then went in the pushchair) and then Mummy and P-L walked back home to do some domestic stuff before going to Tumbletots.

P-L was crawling everywhere at TTs, although she managed to fall off a mat when she turned suddenly to look at something - Mummy scooped her up and gave her lots of cuddles so the bopple was soon forgotten. Before coming to collect me, Mummy popped into Homebase to pick up some bedding plants to jazz up the front border in the front garden now that the bluebells have had their day and the hydrangea aren't quite in full bloom.

I had a lovely morning at nursery school, I did a collage which matched my sparkly red hair bobbles and a painting, I remembered to put my name on both of them. We also had the music lady today and I have spent the afternoon singing about speckled frogs.

When we got home, the cleaners were there so I had lots of fun talking to Su, Alison and Lesley while Mummy and P-L had their lunch.

We spent the rest of the afternoon at the Playbarn with Anna, George and Amelia. P-L tried out her crawling skills in the soft play area and George and I played very nicely together. On the way home I was telling Mummy how I wanted a bike, a robot and an electronics kit for making a light for my birthday!

When we got home, Izza and a friend of hers from up the road were out on their bikes. I asked them why they didn't have crash hats on!!!

P-L and I both enjoyed our lentil and vegetable curry - I had Naan Bread and Chutters with mine.

After reading "a squash and a squeeze" to P-L, it was my bedtime - Mummy read Mr Perfect. I said that I had Mr Silly hair. Mummy said that I had lovely hair and I concluded that means I am little miss lovely! Mummy agreed.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

MacGyver Moments

This morning I woke Mummy up at 5am with an empty tummy. Once my tummy was full, I quite happily went back to sleep until 8am! During this time I-B had her breakfast and watched some Cbeebies.

Once I was awake and had breakfast, we spent a pleasant morning playing in I-B's room - robopops toys; fairy bluebell boot and some puzzles. It was then time for me to have a snooze so I went and snoozed while Mummy and I-B played downstairs (making items for the Bright the Pirate Treasure Chest).

Lunch was mainly comprised of salmon in a lightly simmered sauce of sweetcorn mush.

Mummy attempted to tidy the lounge while me and I-B played. We then headed out into the garden. The paddling pool wasn't up to much as Mummy didn't know where the bungs to keep the air in had got to. Mummy was trying to have a MacGyver/ A-team moment where she was going to get clever with plastic lids and masking tape or playdough but it didn't work out. Luckily we still had Alison's paddling pool so I sat in that playing with the balls while Mummy tidied up pots and bits and bobs. I-B played with Hiddy and the car for a while and then wanted to help Mummy with the pots. This worked for a while until I-B decided to move soil from one pot to another.

After Dinner, I gummed a banana while I-B played on next door's trampoline with the little girl who lives there.

Bathtime was followed by Mr Grumble - with I-B doing the "Bahs"!

Monday, June 09, 2008

A day in the Garden

As Daddy did not need to be at the airport until this evening, we decided to spend the morning at Wisley. This is a very big garden where there was lots to look at. Highlights included: the waterlilies, the giant rhubarb-like plants, the rockery, the fruit trees. Mummy and Daddy were very inspired by the gardens and came away with various ideas for their garden (current and future) together with two lawn-chamomile plants.

We played with the Duplo this afternoon and then it was time for Daddy to head to the airport - I said I was going to miss him lots and I scampered after the taxi for a little bit.

After a little bit of time playing in the garden, it was time for bathtime and bedtime. No BBTP this evening, Mummy read "it's a george thing" and then I couldn't sleep so I sat on her bed while she went on the cross-trainer.

Sunday Sunday here again...

This morning, Thamu arrived and once Mummy had made a mountain of food (supplemented by a small hill from Thamu) it was time to head to the Teddy Bears picnic.

It was a very hot day, so once we'd had our picnic, we retreated into the shade and Thamu and P-L sat under the sunshade while Mummy Daddy and I had a wander. I went on the merry go round and saw a real fire engine. When it was my turn to get in, I was all set to switch on the ignition (isn't that why they left the keys in?). The ice creams had sold out but Mummy won a pedicure treat and I won a stretchy multi-coloured slinky. We also won a teddy bear in the raffle so a lucky day all round.

Mummy and Thamu made yummy cakes for the cake stall - gingerbread bears and chocolate chip muffins which all went down very well.

Waiting for Daddy

On Saturday, Mummy was determined to pack in as much as possible so we weren't hanging around until Daddy got home. She had received a text message saying that he was going to be delayed.

Aunty Susan and Uncle Ian had stayed the night so I had a lovely morning playing with them and sharing chocolate croissants with them. It was then time for Gymnastics. Mummy picked up a t-shirt today, now all she has to do is sew my badges onto it!

We then popped into town to buy aunty Tina a birthday present. This was followed by a visit to the family fun day at my dancing school. While there, I visited the cake stall (twice), had my facepainted, went on the lucky dip and won three snoopy toys and Mummy bought herself a necklace.

After lunch we drove to Uncle Phils and Aunty Tina's as it was Ethan's birthday. I had lots of fun with my cousins, playing on the trampoline and playing with the toy guitar. It was then time to leave as Daddy was on his way back from the airport. This is where living near a town where a sporting event is taking place can be a drawback as everyone was leaving as we were arriving back in town. This meant that the traffic was a little busy so Daddy made it back before us.
We were all v pleased to see him and he brought back a lovely red spangly hat for me and a ship in a bottle for Mummy.


This morning was a nursery school morning. As it was such a nice day, Mummy brought a picnic with her and we played at the swings on the way back. Later in the afternoon, we went to my dancing lesson which I enjoyed lots, as usual. The weekend was looking even more exciting than usual as it meant that Daddy was coming home - woohoo!!

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Sandy Day

This morning we went to the park to meet Louis, Elisha and Jasmine (and the grown-ups too!). L, E and I had great fun playing in the huge sandpit. It took a bit of time for us to share the spade but we soon realised there was lots of other fun to be had in the sandpit. We did try burying ourselves ala Grandad style but lying in the sand scraping it over ourselves didn't quite work so well!

After a go on as many pieces of the play equipment as Mummy would allow, it was time to go home and have lunch (in the garden as it was such a lovely day). Lunch was followed by Gingerbread baking.

It was then time to head out to meet a piano teacher. She teaches using a method called the Suzuki Method - I think it involves learning to play the piano without having to look at all the squiggly dots and dashes. We listened to two sisters having their lesson - first the youngest and then the oldest. Once they had their lesson, I had a go playing "twinkle twinkle little star" and the teacher said I played very nicely!

Once home, it was time for dinner followed by a little pre-bedtime Cbeebies. When Mummy asked me what my favourite thing today was, it was the piano playing!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Back to Nursery School

This morning we walked to nursery school to drop I-B off - she quite happily scampered over to the mat where they sing their welcome song. I snoozed while Mummy walked home and then stayed snoozing in the garden while she hung out the washing and did a snail audit.

I-B claims she didn't play with anyone at Nursery School (!). However, she did some painting (although she forgot to get her name written on the painting/ write her name on the painting so it didn't come home with her. Anna the songstress was there today. She sat next to Carmelo at lunchtime.

I impressed the ladies at Tumbletots with my new crawling skills. There were lots of babies there today so we had great fun squealing at each other!

Lunch was followed by a visit from the estate agent. This involved Mummy talking to some chappy about houses with interjections from I-B and interruptions when Mummy turned me round once I had crawled to the edges of the room.

I slept through most of the Sainsburys visit but I-B and Mummy had it all in hand.

We had the Very Hungry Caterpillar as a bedtime story and then I-B had Charlie Cook's Favourite Book. Once we were safely tucked up in bed, Mummy pootled in the Garden and watched the parakeets.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Rainy Tuesday

Today we mostly went to Chessington with Jane and Thomas. It was all rather rainy so first stop was the Sea Life area. I-B was most interested in the anenomes and the Sharks. My knowledge of sea-life is all derived from Disc 2 of the Finding Nemo dvd!

Next stop was the indoor soft play area - grown-ups weren't allowed on the equipment which was a shame - I-B needed a bit of help finding the slide! This was followed by lunch and a show - something to do with Dragons and Monkeys and Elephants - I-B seemed to enjoy it. We then ambled our way out via the merry go round and the ice-cream emporium. Following a minor day while hunting for keys (don't ask) we then headed home.

Once home, P-L had a snooze and I-B played in the garden while I washed up and prepared a carroty meal (soup if you're a grown up, mush if you're a baby). Once P-L was awake we played with the alphabet cards and things that made lots of noise. P-L and I-B had great funny shaking things and laughing at each other. I-B and I also played with the Pingu magnetic book but I-B told me off for putting snowball magnets in an indoor scene!

P-L has been very mobile today - crawling lots although when playing "cafes" we couldn't get her to crawl from one end of the lounge to the other!

Monday, June 02, 2008


Term-time activities started today so we were back at Tumbletots this afternoon. I-B was very good at clambering and climbing on all the equipment.

This morning we had a relaxing morning at home where Mummy did things with drawer liners although now hers and Daddy's room smells of furniture polish. I-B mostly played with the t-set (with Hiddy too) and did some sponge painting. She was very good at tidying away the paints etc afterwards.

After Tumbletots we wandered up to the post office (I was asleep) and I-B picked a Balamory magazine.

At home I relaxed in the exer-saucer while I-B had a go on the Wii Fit. She then decided that the garden looked much more fun so she and Mummy played hula-hoops again while I watched from the pushchair. After a while I-B got a bit frustrated when rolling the hoop - which meant that she didn't roll the hoop very well, which made her frustrated. Aaaah the vicious cycle of toddler frustration.

Dinner was followed by some quality time spent crawling round the carpet. Everytime I moved towards Mummy, she took one step away from me. I then looked up as if to say "oy, I know your game!"

Before long it was time for bed. My bedtime story was Mr Snow. I-B's was the Night Pirates and she took Count Worm to bed with her to "read".

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Sunday Sunday

This morning I wanted to go to the playbarn so off we went. However when we got there it was too noisy and although I don't normally mind, today I didn't want to go in. Instead we played in the outside area.

Afterwards, Mummy suggested we went to asda-tasda for a hula-hoop. But they didn't have any. Mummy had a cunning plan which involved driving home via the nearest Tesco as we had seen them in there last week. This was all very tiring for me and P-L so we fell asleep. Thankfully Mummy had the pushchair for me and the sling for P-L. A very nice man apparently carried the sandpit sand to the car for us and when I woke up Mummy had bought two spangly hula-hoops.

After lunch we put them to the test and even though Mummy is a hula-hoop champion on the Wii Fit she's not very good. So we played games involving rolling the hoops to each other and throwing frisbees (another onotok purchase of Mummy's today) to land in or through the hula-hoops. I then put my new sand to the test and Mummy picked 5oz of Gooseberries. The question is - what to make with them? Actually Mummy's thinking Gooseberry and Pear Crumble. What do you think?

P-L has been moving forwards - they're sort of bunny hops but I think she's starting to think about moving her legs behind her. Also she surprised up by pushing herself up to standing - using the musical keyboard which I used to use for the same purpose!

I'm now in bed after Mummy and I read the night pirates - my favourite story at the moment. I did escape and come downstairs but Mummy explained that it was bedtime and that if I was still awake when she had finished on the Wii, she would come and read me another story. I don't think I stayed awake long enough...

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Getting Mobile

This morning while I snoozed, Mummy and I-B made some sticky sweet mice. I-B was responsible for something known as "QUALITY CONTROL"! Once I woke up we headed off to the garden centre to buy some potting compost, netting and an off piste seedling that Mummy couldn't resist.

Once home I-B played in the garden while Mummy got lunch ready - some of the neighbouring children were playing on next door's trampoline so I-B had lots of fun chatting with them and once she had finished her lunch she went next door to join them.

It was then naptime for me so Mummy got I-B to come back round - at which point she was invited to play on the other next door's trampoline (where there was a grown up outdoors). This enabled Mummy to get on with some planting - sugar snap peas, morning glory and clematis round the arch. She thinned out the Nicotiana (which Daddy had planted with a shaky hand) and the Japanese Lanterns. By this time I was awake but I was happy to sit on the picnic blanket while she planted the Camomile, the Delphinium and the Cucumber (replacing the Sugar Snap pea plant which had been decimated by our one-footed friends. This has been planted in the pot by the arch in the [vain] hope that it revives...

Next it was scooter time but I-B was too tired to make it to the swings so we came home for a rest while Mummy got dinner ready.

While Mummy tidied up I worked out a way of moving forwards instead of backwards. There was an inflatable ball in front of me but a little out of my reach. While putting as much weight as possible on my hands I "revved up" and dragged my legs forwards. I had made it closer to the ball. The ball rolled away a little. I made it closer to the ball. The ball rolled away a lot. I-B rolled the ball back to me. This is a very exciting breakthrough for me and I look forward to putting these newfound skills into practice tomorrow.

After bathtime it was time for a well-earned rest.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Ah new Shoes

Today was a soft play and farm day. On arrival I managed to recognise all the letters in the word "welcome" (completely unprompted). I spent an hour in and out of the soft play - sometimes lurking and sometimes going in there. People had to climb over me to go down the big red slide but at least I wasn't trying to climb up it today! Our friends arrived at about 11.30 so we went outside and played on the vehicles. We stopped for a lunch of jacket potato with cheese and beans - which Mummy finished off. P-L had a very orange mush which Mummy finished off. Wearing.

After this we went to see the farm animals - I liked the goats best and wanted to take them home with me.

We then ambled over to the outdoor climbing area which I enjoyed tremendously - once I had my ice lolly.

After this we went into town where Mummy got carried away buying half price -age in the health food shop. We then picked up some bits for cake and sweety making but we didn't have time for that today because I wanted to have my feet measured. It was good that I did as my feet had grown. I came away with a lovely pair of shoes. They're the best shoes ever and I even kept them on while Mummy got me ready for bed!

We saw Aunty Clare and I showed her my playdough and rainbow painting.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

OH I do like to be beside the seaside

Except the tide was out so the sea-side was a long way away today.

This morning we drove to the swimming pool to meet Grandma and Grandad and 4 of my cousins - Megs, Sam, Eth and Henners. We had lots of fun - me in my bond villain seat and I-B in her floaty ring. I-B clearly enjoyed the floaty ring as she was pushing off from the side while wearing it and lifting her feet off the bottom and floating and kicking! After lunch in the park we drove to the beach.

For me, the beach involved sitting on the picnic rug and nibbling the picnic rug label. Once I'd tired of that I discovered that grabbing sand was good fun. The other grandchildren took it in turns to be buried in the sand - including I-B! I-B was a little less convinced by the feel of damp squidgy sand as she walked to fill the bucket with water!

The rain clouds were looking darker and darker so we decided to head back to Grandma and Grandad's for dinner (Spag Bol for everyone else; chicken and veg rissoto mush for me).

Following this it was time to drive home...

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Dante's missing layer

Today we have mostly been at the layer which Dante missed - soft play on a rainy half-term wednesday. This wouldn't be so bad if there was a cafe area for the mummies etc but a bench along one side trying to prevent the babies being squooshed by 6 year old boys who are incapable of looking where they are going.

Actually it wasn't that bad - it was nice to see Jacqui and the girls (and the new nanny who is going to put out feelers for me - probably approaching friends of hers who are also want to move away from a nursery working environment).

A more relaxing afternoon making chocolate fruit (we'll make some more for you next week) and biscuits - we'll make some more for you as we will take them with us tomorrow.

Evening was rounded off with some toe-nail painting (or was it just toe painting - you be the judge: ).

I have just put I-B back into her bed having found her asleep on the landing! Photo to be posted in the usual place

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Today Mummy was mostly attending a "stakeholder engagement" meeting about the future of local maternity and childrens' services.

I had much more fun at home with P-L and Thamu. We played with Duplo and arts and crafts stuff. When Mummy got home I greeted her with a glittery smile! We then went off to the Playbarn for an hour. At first I didn't want to go into the soft play but Mummy suggested I went in and she would time how long it took me to get from one end to the end with the big red slide. I don't think I made it to the slide, I was too busy making friends on my way!

I ate very well - polishing off lots of the chicken we brought home from the Christening and nearly two bananas! P-L and I were very good at bedtime. I wanted a Bright Bear the Pirate story but instead Mummy and started to make a list of things to go in his treasure chest: cotton wool and some glitter.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Now. How do I add a title?

Well today we have mostly been saying our farewells to Daddy as he flies off to Mexico on business. Come back soon Daddy...

We then went to see Nanny J and Grandad D and all the family. I had a nice sleep in the Bmer only to wake up in a busy house surrounded by chaos and mayhem. It's only a month since I last saw everyone but a month is 1/7th of my life so it's a long time to me and it took me a while to remember who was who...

The usual spread was laid out by Nanny J - mexican chicken (ooh the irony) or meatballs for main course. Mummy had the Mexican Chicken and I-B had the Meatballs. This was followed by the usual 24 desserts - all homemade (bar one) and all delicious. I nibbled a couple of strawbs and I-B tucked into the fruity pie concoction. Mummy had fruity pie AND chocolate cake - well it was right next to her. My Jar of pasta mush went down very nicely. Mummy was surprised as I voluntary opened my mouth for this - she didn't have to prise it open! Thamu had Mexican Chicken and something called Almond Ambrosia.

I-B spent the afternoon playing with the cousins and watching a bit of Pirates of the Carribean while playing with a pink power ranger - known to her as "your highness". Hiddy was absent for the afternoon. I mostly spent the afternoon rolling around the floor while Mummy and Thamu made sure all the small toys and bits of plastic were safely out of my way.

After a brief drive home I am now tucked up in bed and asleep (as is I-B) - my last act of the day was to dictate this (aaaah burble aaaaaaaaaaah eeeeeeeeeeeeeh) for Mummy to type.

Night Night Daddy. We love you lots x

Friday, May 23, 2008

I said I'd be back. Didn't I? anyway, after a brief flirtation with myopera and a less brief dalliance with facebook, I'm here. via the wii - two years since my last post and a new piece of technogeekery has found it's way into our lives. that and the bluetooth watch... watch this space...