Sunrise on a run

Sunrise on a run

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Sandy Day

This morning we went to the park to meet Louis, Elisha and Jasmine (and the grown-ups too!). L, E and I had great fun playing in the huge sandpit. It took a bit of time for us to share the spade but we soon realised there was lots of other fun to be had in the sandpit. We did try burying ourselves ala Grandad style but lying in the sand scraping it over ourselves didn't quite work so well!

After a go on as many pieces of the play equipment as Mummy would allow, it was time to go home and have lunch (in the garden as it was such a lovely day). Lunch was followed by Gingerbread baking.

It was then time to head out to meet a piano teacher. She teaches using a method called the Suzuki Method - I think it involves learning to play the piano without having to look at all the squiggly dots and dashes. We listened to two sisters having their lesson - first the youngest and then the oldest. Once they had their lesson, I had a go playing "twinkle twinkle little star" and the teacher said I played very nicely!

Once home, it was time for dinner followed by a little pre-bedtime Cbeebies. When Mummy asked me what my favourite thing today was, it was the piano playing!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How fantastic, IB's musical bones have been tickled! I hope I'll be able to live out my unfulfilled musical ambitions vicariously from now on. I wonder if they do a Suzuki musical arch for PL?

Can I do the Suzuki method as well? The two-wheeled version, that is.