1. What have you done this week to work towards your goals?
This weekend was a bit on the lazy side but during the week saw me doing circuits, session at the gym and session on the cross trainer.
2. What have you done this week to make you feel fabulous?
Saw the final Harry Potter movie! Now re-reading the books!
3. I wrote about gadgets this week (my fav one anyway), do you have any gadgets that help you to your goals or are you a low tech kinda person?
I have cyclemeter on my iPhone. That and the belkin arm strap are essential. I like keeping track of my runs (and cycle rides when they happen). It tracks the route and breaks down the miles in terms of pace etc. Here's a graph showing the elevation of last week's run!
I always talk about getting a heart-rate monitor but somehow never bother.

4. We are half way through the year, what have you achieved so far (in all aspects of life)?
It's been a good year for holidays and family activities. Work also good.
5. Fun Question: Tell me one of your secrets to achieving goals and living a happy life?
Variety. Taking a break from the routine. Trying something new.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
I totally agree about variety - I always try and mix things up a bit, always keep my body guessing!
I used to track my heart rate by good old analogue when I did circuits at school. We used a stop watch, and stopped every ten mins during exercise to count our pulse per minute, before carrying on. And then at the end, we timed how long it took for it to get back to resting speed. It's a faff, but it was fun. Also, it gave me a legitimate excuse to stop for a breather!
Variety. I know it is key, but love to ride the rut! I think I will take your lead and try something new this week. Maybe something to make myself feel fabulous! Thank you for the idea.
I wonder what a non lazy week looks like for you!!
I love my HRM, I do recommend it, I use it to see how my fitness has improved.
Thank you for not posting HP spoilers! I get to see it this next week!
I've also thought about getting a heart rate monitor but haven't gotten around to it yet. The elliptical at the gym has a heart rate monitor and a little graph telling me about where I should be but I'm always WAY over the recommendation. Not sure what that is all about...
I have a HR monitor, but have yet to take it out of the package! (It came with my Garmin).
Can't wait to take my boys to see the HP movie too.
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