Thursday, August 20, 2015

Why writing is like running

Second blog post of the year - woohoo! Fortunately I run more regularly than I blog. I've had this thought rumbling round for a while: what do running and writing have in common? I'm due to start the Advanced Creative Writing module with the OU in October so this thought had popped to forefront of mind.

I think we can safely say that I am never going to win an Olympic medal with running, but that doesn't stop me, I still go out and put in the miles. Maybe not as many as I'd like to and I'm often trying to think of ways of trying to increase my mileage. Maybe just going out and running will do the trick.

So why don't I take the same attitude to writing? Perhaps it's time I did.

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Tuesday, March 03, 2015

700K! A late look back at 2014

2014 was the year for running - not 10k every Sunday until running a half marathon and then petering out for a month and then dabbling for the rest of the year but making running a more regular part of my life.

By July I'd completed 200k. By the end of December I'd completed a further 500k.

This has included a number of "races" - I use the term loosely as I'm only ever racing against myself. Surrey half marathon, Kingston breakfast run, Hogsback road race, a 10k "virtual" run and a Santa dash.

This year I've indulged in lots of running tourism - wherever we've been away I've taken my running gear - this has seen visits to Rye, Jersey, Birmingham, Oxford and a Santa run in Bicester.

In Jersey, we were staying in a hotel on the seafront so I went out for 5K every morning. Getting into the habit of doing this set me up for the rest of August.

In September I joined in the 100k challenge which a number of others in the virtual running community which I'm a member of were doing. I managed this in September but didn't quite make it to 100k in any other month.

Run Mummy Run is a great community of 6000 plus ladies - most are mummies and some are even grannies too!! There's a range of running abilities - some venturing out and beginning a couch 2 5k running journey, some doing ultras and everything in between. There's a great atmosphere of camaraderie - lots of support at all levels and no question is too daft. Plus everyone is trying to fit running in with whatever else life has to throw at them!

On December 31st I went out for a run. I didn't complete 10k as I needed to get home as we were going out but I thought I'd done enough to get to 700k. Later in the day I uploaded the run from my watch - 300 metres short. Trainers on, a quick walk around the block with Pip and I was done!!!

This year I'm hoping to do the same again. Best get started.

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