Sunday, September 21, 2014


So, having reached 200k half way through the year, we're almost three quarters through the year and I have passed the 400k mark!

If a picture tells a thousand words, what does a picture from my Nikeplus page say?

July, August and September have been much higher distance months: 73K, 60K and 74K, respectively. During our holiday in Jersey, I ran 5K along the beach every morning which was a good way of getting in the habit of running more frequently.

September has seen me join other runners from my virtual running community, Run Mummy Run, in a challenge to run 100k in a month. It's been a good way of bringing focus to my week and maintaining a regular distance, around 24K a week. It's also shown how easy it is to fit those extra runs in that I don't normally have (make) time to do - half an hour on the cross-trainer or a lunchtime run have helped achieve the miles each week.

Pace for September looks much slower - this reflects the cross-trainer pace and a runch (lunchtime run) where I forgot to switch my watch off until I was back at my desk.

With three months left this year and based on this month, I should be up to 700K. By that time I'll also know whether I've been successful in the London Marathon ballot...

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