Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The four horsemen of the Apipplypse

This evening while getting read for bed, Pip asked "when will it end?"

I replied: "Tuesday."

Pip: "Tuesday."

Me: "yes, you've five more days of nursery school and then it's the end of term"

Pip: "No, when will the world end?"

Me: "err, I'm not sure, I think it's infinite."

Pip: "what's infinite?"

Me: "never ending."

Pip seemed slightly dismayed by this, I went on to say "well let's hope it's not before Christmas otherwise where will Father Christmas deliver his presents?"

And then, in the words of Zebedee, it was time for bed.

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

An anthology of poems

According to Paul Muldoon in the Faber Book of Beasts, anthologists tend towards the despotic. As part of the section on poetry in the AA100 textbook on tradition and dissent, we are asked to compile our own anthology from the poems set out in the Faber book of beasts. Here's mine.

1. The Butterfly by Joseph Brodsky

A poem about the ephemeral existence of a butterfly. 14 verses about the day in the life of a butterfly - the very hungry caterpillar for grown ups?

2. Jabberwocky - Lewis Carroll

The Gruffalo's great-grandfather. Pure nonsense verse at its best.

3. Ode on the death of a favourite cat, drowned in a tub of gold fishes - Thomas Gray

A cautionary tale - "Not all that tempts your wandering eyes and heedless hearts, is lawful prize; nor all that glisters, gold". The cat in this poem uses all her nine lives in an attempt to catch the goldfish. Thankfully my cats were more successful in their goldfish hunting adventure.

4. Of the Pythagorean Philosophy - John Dryden/ Ovid's Metamorphoses

I remember reading about the mythical Phoenix and its rise from the ashes. Probably over twenty years ago. Long before it was reborn as Dumbledore's bird.

5. An Otter - Ted Hughes

This caught my eye as I was skimming through the anthology. The description of the Otter as neither "fish nor beast" evokes a wonderful image of the Otter as it swims and wallops in an attempt to escape from the hunt. I'll let you read it and find out whether he does.

6. Our little kinsmen - Emily Dickinson

A poem about worms after the rain, at least it is until the third verse.

7. The Owl and the Pussycat - Edward Lear

More nonsense, never failing to charm

8. The Song of the Jellicles - TS Eliot

Somehow this appeals more when reading the printed word than when watching Lloyd-Webber's cats.

9. The Tyger - William Blake

William Blake addressing the Tyger, pondering on who made the Tyger. Was it the same hand as made the Lamb?

So that's nine, happy to receive suggestions for a tenth.