Thursday, November 10, 2011

Why do stars have points?

This was Pip's question to me at bedtime this evening. Twinkle Twinkle is a regular feature of the bedtime routine and clearly set of a train of thought in the MOP (Mind of a Pip). Actually her question was:

"why can't we see the points"

"the points of the stars in the sky?"


I thought for a moment as it was such a fabulous question. I explained that stars when we Draw them have points as the stars that we draw are representations of real stars. "Real stars are actually mini suns" I said. I said that the reason why we draw them with points is so that people recognise them as stars, the stars that we actually draw are not real stars but symbols.

She seemed happy with this explanation. Although as Mr S pointed out, the reason we draw them with points is to represent the twinkling. Whoops missed that bit.