Tuesday, September 15, 2009


interesting statistic: the first elite runner over the finish line made it round the entire course in 50 minutes. I had completed the first run and was collecting my bike by 50mins!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Duathlon success

Well done Suzanne for completing the Chelsea & Westminster Health Charity London Duathlon

9k Run1 00:49:07,
20k Bike 01:20:08,
5k Run2 00:31:37,
Total 02:45:20.

On the whole pleased with this result. Training plan comprised running to the office two to three times a week. This is around ten miles a week. No training schedule and somehow moving house and never quite working out an ideal bike training plan meant that I was dependent on the conclusion that if I could cycle over the downs for a day with two ish stone of toddler I could complete 20k of cycling.

Lessons learned for next time:

do more cycle training
service bike properly. Liberally spraying the chain with muc off lube does not equate to a bike service. At least I didn't get a blow out in the rear tyre. At least I assume that's why I heard an almighty pop and some guy swearing
don't be afraid of the downhill stretch. It's your friend not your enemy
do more cycle training

Secrets of my success this time round:

carb load: pasta n veggy mince the night before, porridge for breakfast, 1-2 bananas pre race
energy drink for the cycle ride
use different running techniques for the climbs n descents
power walk part of the last run
know that there's people waiting at the finish to cheer me over the line!
Yoga as part of pre race warm up. Stretches muscles, focusses mind and steadies breathing
smile for the cameras

So any suggestions for my next race gratefully received...